Enter host name or IP address: 5 result(s) for dches.chc.edu.tw
namequery typeresultfirst seenlast seen
dches.chc.edu.tw. A163.23.112.193 [AS1659][I]
2014-07-21 21:21:462014-07-22 01:21:45
dches.chc.edu.tw. AAAA::1[I]
2014-07-21 21:21:552014-07-22 01:21:54
dches.chc.edu.tw. NSdns.dches.chc.edu.tw.
2015-01-08 06:27:102016-04-09 04:35:12
dches.chc.edu.tw. NSchcns.tcrc.edu.tw.
2021-11-30 05:52:172021-11-30 05:52:17
dches.chc.edu.tw. NSdns.chc.edu.tw.
2021-11-30 05:52:172021-11-30 05:52:17

WHOIS info for: dches.chc.edu.tw

Ministry of Education Computer Center
   12th Fl, 106, Hoping E. Road, Sec 2.
   Taiwan Republic of China, R.O.C

   Domain Name: edu.tw

      TANet, Administrator  tanetadm@moe.edu.tw